Track 20
Services & Service Systems Engineering
Services are an integral part of our business and private lives and are prevalent in a plethora of different forms and serving various functions: human-centered services; digital, data-driven and AI-based services, smart, AR- and VR-based services, hybrid intelligence services, B2C-, B2B-, B2B2C services and many more. Typically, they are provided as part of service systems comprising a multitude of stakeholders as well as newly emerging technologies and corresponding potentials.
Customer- and user-centricity as well as an intelligent orchestration of these service systems is key. This is also the basis to realize service design and provision in an effective and efficient manner. In this context, service engineering and service systems engineering aims to provide methods, models and tools to systematically design services and service systems. This track invites submissions that report current and relevant research results on services and service innovations as well as service engineering and service systems engineering. The context of service is not restricted for this track and can range from personal services to fully automated services and all variants in between.
We invite qualitative and quantitative empirical as well as design-oriented papers. Conceptual or theoretical contributions that serve to better understand all kinds of services and service systems are also welcome.
- Service engineering and service systems engineering
- Service innovation, new service development, and service design
- Digital servitization
- Data-driven and digital services
- Product-service systems in both business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) settings
- Services and service systems based on hybrid intelligence
- Conversational agents, service robots and artificial intelligence in service provision
- Service modularization and modular service structures
- Value co-creation and co-innovation with service customers
- Service process management
- Human-centered service design and provision
- Methods for smart (product-)service systems engineering
- Design of artifacts that enable service innovation
- Organisational change as an enabler of service innovation
- Inter-organisational service systems and service ecosystems
- Digital service platforms and platform-based business models for digital services
- Challenges and failure of service innovation
- Integration of service and work systems

Prof. Dr. Christoph Peters
University of St. Gallen, University of Kassel
Prof. Dr. Christoph Peters is Assistant Professor at the School of Management at University of St. Gallen and Postdoctoral Researcher the Research Center for Information System Design (ITeG) at University of Kassel. His research focuses on services and service innovation with a focus on services based on hybrid intelligence. Typically taking a sociotechnical perspective, he is interested in designing human-centered service solutions which consider the service beneficiary as well as other stakeholders of the service and work systems. His research results have been published in refereed journals (e.g., JMIS, BISE, MISQE, JOSM, CAIS) and presented at national and international conferences (e.g., ICIS, ECIS, WI, HICSS, GI). He serves as President-Elect and VP of the SIG Services of the AIS.

Prof. Dr. Jens Pöppelbuß
Ruhr University of Bochum
Prof. Dr. Jens Pöppelbuß is Full Professor of Industrial Sales and Service Engineering in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Ruhr University of Bochum. His research focuses on digital servitization. In particular, he studies how service innovation processes in manufacturing companies can be supported methodically and technically. His research results have been published in refereed journals (e.g., BISE, CAIS, EMISAJ, IJIM) and presented at national and international conferences (e.g., ECIS, ICIS). He was guest editor of the ISJ Special Issue on “Smart Service Systems”.

Prof. Dr. Angela Roth
FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Prof. Dr. Angela Roth is a professor at the Institute of Information Systems at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg with a focus on innovation and value creation. She is leading the Open Service Lab (OSL) and is researching, consulting and teaching in the fields of service innovation, service systems in digital contexts and organizational competencies for service innovation. She is also doing research on interactive service innovation in living labs (e.g. JOSEPHS®), future work systems and service systems engineering. Prof. Roth is closely working with non-university research institutes and industry partners. She is leading several research projects on service systems engineering, service innovation and future of work.
Associate Editors
- Jürgen Anke (Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden)
- Sebastian Knop (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
- Christoph Lattemann (Jacobs University Bremen)
- Michael Leyer (Universität Rostock)
- Mahei Li (Universität Kassel)
- Susanne Robra-Bissantz (TU Braunschweig)
- Maximilian Schreieck (The Wharton School & Technische Universität München)
- Dominik Siemon (LUT University)
- Martin Wolf (FH Aachen)
- Gerhard Satzger (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)
- Claudia Lehrmann (HHL Leipzig)
- Alexander Pflaum (Universität Bamberg)
- Oliver Thomas (Universität Osnabrück)