Track 2
Digital Health & Wellbeing
Health and wellbeing, two of the United Nations’ sustainable development goals, suffered serious adverse impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic. With the rapid pivot to digital interactions precipitated by the global crisis, it became increasingly clear that the wellbeing of individuals and nations is tightly interwoven with their capacity to use digital technologies. For example, digital tools such as contact tracing apps (Pandl et al. 2021; Trang et al. 2020) diffused in many areas of the world helping some countries to slowly return to a form of life resembling pre-pandemic times. Likewise, digitally generated and managed data became central for policies to respond to COVID-19 in many countries. Furthermore, digital health data provided the critical fuel for rapid innovations in diagnostics, treatments, vaccination, and clinical processes. Even though policy makers and practitioners alike had recognized the criticality of digital health for wellbeing before COVID-19, the crisis has amplified the importance of digital health data and tools to improve the safety, efficiency, quality, and accessibility of healthcare. In short the pursuit of novel digital data objects (Faulkner and Runde 2019) has became central for effective interventions into the pandemic within and beyond core healthcare applications.
Our aim in this track is to both take stock of and advance our knowledge of digital health. Traditionally, literature related to digital health has explored implementation of information systems in hospitals (Baird et al. 2018) and the role of electronic medical records in transforming health care (Agarwal et al. 2010; Hansen and James Baroody 2020; Oborn et al. 2011). Beyond hospital delivery settings, research is increasingly also focusing on a more consumer-centric view of digital health (Agarwal et al. 2020). More recently, dynamics linked to platforms (Barrett et al. 2016; Fürstenau et al. 2021), technologies such as robotics (Barrett et al. 2012), self-management of health by patients (Dadgar and Joshi 2018; Wessel et al. 2019), and the role of increasing amounts of data for innovating in health care services have been brought to the fore (Jarvenpaa and Markus 2018; Rothe et al. 2019; Thiebes et al. 2020; Vassilakopoulou et al. 2018). The increased digitization of health data and developments in analytics and artificial intelligence have unleashed rapid innovation in a wide variety of health care application domains. As healthcare delivery shifts from traditional care delivery settings such as hospitals to the “home,”and as services are increasingly utilized through digital connections and channels such as telemedicine, the demands for coordination and standards are increasing. This dynamic transformation that healthcare systems all over the world are experiencing highlights the need for additional research that is able to provide evidence-based insights into the design, deployment, and outcomes associated with tools for digital health delivery.
This track seeks research that sheds new light on the use of digital data and technologies in healthcare practice and delivery. We welcome all submissions with the potential to contribute to our understanding of the relationship between digital data objects, digital tools and their potentially transformational impacts. Papers may be focused on original design-oriented work, theory-oriented research, empirical studies, or conceptual. We are agnostic in terms of methodologies applied. Submissions may address the following topics, but are not limited to them:
- The role and management of digital health data for digital innovation
- The influence of digital health tools and data objects in- and outside of healthcare, e.g., in times of crisis
- A process perspective on digital transformation in healthcare
- The role of traditional professionals’ roles, identities, and institutions for value creation in health
- Design of digital innovations for improving patients’ self-management of chronic conditions
- The role of data for promoting prevention that challenges a disease-based health care system
- Explorations of novel revenue models, operational models, and business models in the context of digital innovation in health care
- Measuring patient-centric value and improving public health care through datafication strategies
- Usage of patient-centric information systems, sensor and wearables technologies, and digital health apps and their implications for patient value creation
- Supporting elderly people and people in need for care through digital technologies
- The role of XR technologies in creating health data and value from health data
- The role of virtual coaching in enabling patients to take care of their own health
- New modes of capturing value from digital health data, e.g., reimbursement strategies
- Comparisons between outcomes of data-driven strategies to improve health care delivery
- Ethics, privacy and security in the era of digital health
- Design and evaluations of emerging technologies (e.g., AI, Blockchain, Wearables) for creating value in health care
- Agarwal, R., Dugas, M., Gao, G. (Gordon), and Kannan, P. K. 2020. “Emerging Technologies and Analytics for a New Era of Value-Centered Marketing in Healthcare,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (48:1). (
- Agarwal, R., Gao, G., DesRoches, C., and Jha, A. K. 2010. “Research Commentary—The Digital Transformation of Healthcare: Current Status and the Road Ahead,” Information Systems Research (21:4), INFORMS, pp. 796–809. (
- Baird, A., Angst, C. M., and Oborn, E. 2018. “Research Curation: Health Information Technology,” MIS Ouarterly.
- Barrett, M., Oborn, E., and Orlikowski, W. 2016. “Creating Value in Online Communities: The Sociomaterial Configuring of Strategy, Platform, and Stakeholder Engagement,” Information Systems Research (27:4), pp. 704–723. (
- Barrett, M., Oborn, E., Orlikowski, W. J., and Yates, J. 2012. “Reconfiguring Boundary Relations: Robotic Innovations in Pharmacy Work,” Organization Science (23:5), pp. 1448–1466. (
- Dadgar, M., and Joshi, K. D. 2018. “The Role of Information and Communication Technology in Self-Management of Chronic Diseases: An Empirical Investigation through Value Sensitive Design,” Journal of the Association for Information Systems (19:2), Association for Information Systems, pp. 86–112. (
- Faulkner, P., and Runde, J. 2019. “Theorizing the Digital Object.,” MIS Quarterly (43:4).
- Fürstenau, D., Klein, S., Vogel, A., and Auschra, C. 2021. “Multi-Sided Platform and Data-Driven Care Research: A Longitudinal Case Study on Business Model Innovation for Improving Care in Complex Neurological Diseases,” Electronic Markets. (
- Hansen, S., and James Baroody, A. 2020. “Electronic Health Records and the Logics of Care: Complementarity and Conflict in the U.S. Healthcare System,” Information Systems Research (31:1), pp. 57–75. (
- Jarvenpaa, S. L., and Markus, M. L. 2018. “Data Perspective in Digital Platforms: Three Tales of Genetic Platforms,” Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, pp. 4574–4583.
- Oborn, E., Barrett, M., and Davidson, E. 2011. “Unity in Diversity: Electronic Patient Record Use in Multidisciplinary Practice,” Information Systems Research (22:3), pp. 547–564. (
- Pandl, K. D., Thiebes, S., Schmidt-Kraepelin, M., and Sunyaev, A. 2021. “How Detection Ranges and Usage Stops Impact Digital Contact Tracing Effectiveness for COVID-19,” Scientific Reports, pp. 11, 9414. (
- Rothe, H., Jarvenpaa, S. L., and Penninger, A. A. 2019. “How Do Entrepreneurial Firms Appropriate Value in Bio Data Infrastructures: An Exploratory Qualitative Study,” in Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Stockholm & Uppsala, Sweden.
- Thiebes, S., Toussaint, P. A., Ju, J., Ahn, J. H., Lyytinen, K., and Sunyaev, A. 2020. “Valuable Genomes: Taxonomy and Archetypes of Business Models in Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing,” Journal of Medical Internet Research (22:1). (
- Trang, S., Trenz, M., Weiger, W. H., Tarafdar, M., and Cheung, C. M. K. 2020. “One App to Trace Them All? Examining App Specifications for Mass Acceptance of Contact-Tracing Apps,” European Journal of Information Systems (29:4). (
- Vassilakopoulou, P., Skorve, E., and Aanestad, M. 2018. “Enabling Openness of Valuable Information Resources: Curbing Data Subtractability and Exclusion,” Information Systems Journal, Wiley Online Library.
- Wessel, L., Davidson, E. J., Barquet, A. P., Rothe, H., Peters, O., and Megges, H. 2019. “Configuration in Smart Service Systems: A Practice-Based Inquiry,” Information Systems Journal (29:6), pp. 1256–1281. (

Prof. Dr. Lauri Wessel
European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
Lauri Wessel holds the chair for Information Management and Digital Transformation at the European New School of Digital Studies at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) since October 2020. He serves jointly at the European New School of Digital Studies (ENS) as well as at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. Before joining Viadrina, Lauri was a professor for Management and Organization at the University of Bremen as well as junior professor for Information Systems and Organization at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. Lauri’s work is focused on using organization theory in order to understand and design the digital transformation of organizations and organizational fields, particularly in the area of digital health. Accordingly, his work is focused on building theory through inductive case studies as well as designing digital innovations in health care. He has published in core information systems journals such as Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Information Systems Journal, Business and Information Systems Engineering as well as organization theory journals like Research in the Sociology of Organizations and medicine journals like Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions or Psycho-Oncology. Lauri serves as associate editor for Communications of the Association for Information Systems and sits on the editorial board of Information and Organization.

Prof. Dr. Hannes Rothe
Freie Universität Berlin
Hannes Rothe is an Associate Professor for Information Systems and Digital Transformation at ICN Business School (Nancy, Paris, Berlin) after Sept. 1st, 2021. Before, he has held an Assistant Professor position at the Digital Entrepreneurship Hub, Freie Universität Berlin, where he also earned his doctoral degree in 2015 and was responsible for coordinating entrepreneurship education since 2013. He has been a visiting researcher at the University of Cambridge (UK) and TU Graz (Austria). Hannes’ research interests lies on organizing data and knowledge, digital ecosystems and infrastructures, and digital entrepreneurship. His work has been published in journals such as the Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Information Systems Journal, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Business & Information Systems Engineering, and was presented at leading information systems conferences. He was runner-up and winner of multiple paper awards, including the Claudio Ciborra Award for the most innovative paper in 2019.

Prof. Dr. Ali Sunyaev
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Ali Sunyaev is Director of the Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB) and Professor at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Before joining KIT he was Professor at the University of Kassel and the University of Cologne. His research interests are reliable and purposeful decentralized information systems within the scope of critical infrastructures, cloud computing services, information security solutions, trustworthy AI, commercial application of AI algorithms, auditing/certification of IT, and innovative health IT applications. By using theory-driven design, development methods, computational tools, and empirical research, his research work employs a new and interesting perspective to generate insights into the complex process of future digital systems and their dependability and application in real-world settings. His research appeared in journals including ACM Computing Surveys, Journal of Information Technology, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, European Journal of Information Systems, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, Journal of Medical Internet Research, ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, Communications of the ACM, IEEE Software, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality, ACM SIGMIS Database, IEEE Computer, Electronic Markets, Communications of the AIS, and Business & Information Systems Engineering, amongst others.

Prof. Dr. Ritu Agarwal
University of Maryland
Ritu Agarwal is Distinguished University Professor and the Robert H. Smith Dean’s Chair of Information Systems at the Smith School of Business, University of Maryland. She is also the founding director of the school’s Center for Health Information and Decision Systems (CHIDS). Her current research focuses on the use of information technology in healthcare settings, health analytics, and artificial intelligence applications in health. In addition to publishing her research in journals such as Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly, Management Science, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association and Health Affairs, Agarwal has made presentations at a variety of national and international conferences. She has been the National Science Foundation ADVANCE Professor for Maryland Smith and won the university’s Distinguished Scholar-Teacher Award. In 2017 she was appointed as a Distinguished University Professor, Maryland’s highest academic honor. Agarwal served a six-year term as editor-in-chief of Information Systems Research, one of the world’s top academic journals in information systems. Other editorial appointments include senior editor at MIS Quarterly and associate editor for Management Science. In 2010 Agarwal started the annual Conference on Health IT and Analytics (CHITA). This conference is a leading research forum at the intersection of technology, analytics and health. CHITA attracts international scholars, policymakers and business executives who work in healthcare reform. Agarwal is deeply passionate about using her research capabilities and advocacy to improve the practice and delivery of healthcare.
Associate Editors
- Angela Aristidou (University College London)
- Paul Drews (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg)
- Daniel Fürstenau (Copenhagen Business School)
- Martin Gersch (Freie Universität Berlin)
- Tobias Kowatsch (Universität St. Gallen)
- Roxana Ologeanu-Taddei (University of Montpellier)
- Hannes Schlieter (Technische Universität Dresden)
- Franziska Bathelt (Technische Universität Dresden)
- Stefanie Steinhäuser (Universität Regensburg)
- Polyxeni Vassilakopoulou (University of Agder)
- Anne-Katrin Witte (FernUni Hagen & Technical University of Berlin)
- Memhet Ayvaci (UT Dallas)
- Kartik Ganju (McGill University)
- Manuel Trenz (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)
- Torsten Eymann (Universität Bayreuth)
- Heiko Gewald (Hochschule Neu-Ulm)
- Wolfgang Maas (Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz)