Track 6
Digitization and Implications for Labor Markets
Digitization opens new possibilities for designing work and labor markets. At the same time, it forces firms and employees to reconsider the ways in which work is carried out. On the one hand, new work approaches can enable better access to work and healthier work conditions, as well as better value creation and a fundamental redistribution of work between man and machine. On the other hand, this creates new skill requirements, new professional roles, new career paths and new forms of organizations. This track focuses on a responsible design and implementation of digitization in a new work context. We invite theoretical and empirical submissions that contribute substantially to understanding and implementing the opportunities of a digitized work environments from a viewpoint of society, enterprises as well as individuals.
Potential topics
- The role of IT and work in the future
- New organizational forms and models of work in a digitized society
- Opportunities, boundaries and dangers of the creation and design of the future of work using digital technologies
- Effects of digital technologies on the way work is carried out, work profiles and occupational profiles, organizational models as well as the meaning of work & life
- Ambidexterity in education and training
- Evidence-based effects of modern, flexible work and leadership
- Recruiting and retention of IT specialists
- Governance and interplay between HR, IT and specialist departments as well as competencies in a new labor world
- Education, life-long learning and cooperation in a digitized labor world
- Cooperation between man and machine / man-machine interaction
- “good” work from a viewpoint of employees and the enterprise
- Future (IS) competencies and (IS) jobs
- Competencies, learning and career paths in IT professions
- Digital fatigue and technostress and the blurring boundaries between private and professional life

Prof. Dr. Tim Weitzel
University of Bamberg
Prof. Dr. Tim Weitzel is Full Professor and Chair of Information Systems and Services at the University of Bamberg in Germany and Director of the Centre of Human Resource Information Systems (CHRIS). His current interests are in IT management, technostress, AI in HR and healthcare, and the future of work. Tim’s research has been published in journals including MIS Quarterly, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, and Journal of Management Information Systems, and has been cited over 7.000 times.

Prof. Dr. Daniel Veit
University of Augsburg
Professor Dr. Daniel Veit is a professor and chair of Information Systems and Management at the Department of Business Administration of the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Augsburg, Germany. His research has been published in leading scientific journals and proceedings including Management Information Systems Quarterly, Journal of Management Information Systems, European Journal of Information Systems, and Journal of Service Research.
Associate Editors
- Daniel Beimborn (Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg)
- Dennis Steininger (Universität Augsburg)
- Gerit Wagner (HEC Montréal)
- Manuel Trenz (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)
- Antonia Köster (Weizenbaum Institut & Universität Potsdam)
- Annika Baumann (Universität Potsdam)
- Marina Fiedler (Universität Passau)
- Sabine Matook (UQ Business School, University of Queensland)
- Christian Dremel (Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg)
- Sven Dittes (FernUniversität in Hagen)
- Kim Strunk (Universität Passau)
- Heinz-Theo Wagner (Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft Neu-Ulm)