
Below you can find an overview of important deadlines for the various contribution formats at WI2022.

Research tracks

Time Deadline
01.09.2021, 14:00 CEST Last opportunity for submission (Submission Deadline)
10.09.2021 Fast and constructive AE Feedback
10.10.2021 Submission of reviews by Reviewers
20.10.2021 Submission of reviews by AE
27.10.2021 Decision of track chairs
31.10.2021 Notification to authors
15.11.2021 Submission of revised papers
21.11.2021 Final decision and information to authors

Student Track

Time Deadline
10.10.2021 05.11.2021, 14:00 CEST Last opportunity for submission (Submission Deadline)
10.10.2021 09.12.2021 Benachrichtigung der Studierenden
12.12.2021 05.01.2022 Submission of revised papers


Prototype Track

Time Deadline
01.09.2021, 14:00 CEST Last opportunity for submission (Submission Deadline)
10.09.2021 Fast and constructive AE Feedback
10.10.2021 Submission of reviews by Reviewers
20.10.2021 Submission of reviews by AE
27.10.2021 Decision of track chairs
31.10.2021 Notification to authors
15.11.2021 Submission of revised papers
21.11.2021 Final decision and information to authors


Business Analytics Talks

Time Deadline
01.09.2021 – 14:00 05.11.2021, 14:00 CEST Last opportunity for submission (Submission Deadline)
15.09.2021 10.11.2021 Fast and constructive AE Feedback
10.10.2021 26.11.2021 Submission of reviews by Reviewers
20.10.2021 03.12.2021 Submission of reviews by AE
27.10.2021 05.12.2021 Decision of track chairs
31.10.2021 05.12.2021 Notification to authors
15.11.2021 12.12.2021 Submission of revised papers
21.11.2021 23.12.2021 Final decision and information to authors



0 Contributions to Workshops

Date Submission Deadlines
WS 01
Information System Design, Analytics & Economic Behavior (ISDAEB)
23/2/2022 Not via ConfTool – please send your contributions to the organizers. tba
WS 02
Digital Business Ecosystems: Technologien, Märkte, Business Models, Management und gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen
23/02/2022 Not via ConfTool – please send your contributions to the organizers. – Deadline for submissions: 31/12/2021
– Notification of acceptance: 15/01/2022
WS 03
Design- and specification methods for efficient user involvement
4.5 hours
ConfTool, planned publication in the WI22 Workshop proceedings Important Dates:
19 December 2021: Submissions of proposals (extended abstracts of about 800 words length without literature or references) via conference tool
5 January 2022: Review feedback
22 January 2022: Submission of camera-ready version
23 February 2022: Date of workshop
WS 04
2nd International Workshop on Current Compliance Issues in Information Systems Research (CIISR 2022)
20/02/2022 ConfTool

Submission Deadline: 12/12/2021

Acceptance of notification: 24/12/2021

Final Paper Deadline: 09/01/2021

Final Acceptance Notification: 16/01/2022

WS 05
Dienstleistungsforschung für digitale Dienstleistungsökosysteme – Positionen der WI-Community
23/02/2022 ConfTool, planned publication in the WI22 Workshop proceedings tba
WS 06
Konzepte für Digitale Steuerungs-Zwillinge in der Produktion und Logistik
23/02/2022 ConfTool, planned publication in the WI22 Workshop proceedings

Submission deadline of contribution: 19/12/2021

Notification of Acceptance: 03/01/2021

Final Paper Submission Deadline: 16/01/2022

WS 07
Conversational Customer Interaction: Dialog zwischen Praxis und Wissenschaft
20/02/2022 Send contributions to Dr. Sara D’Onofrio, planned publication in the WI-Proceedings

Submission of contributions: 30/11/2021

Notification of acceptance: 15/12/2021

Submission of final contribution:

