Wirtschaftsinformatik addresses highly relevant, visionary and, as a consequence, often controversially discussed topics. Particularly in the context of the overarching conference theme “WI for Grand Challenges – Grand Challenges for WI”, panels offer an important forum for the inclusion of a multitude of perspectives through the interaction between renowned experts and the audience. This setting advances the understanding of topics with high relevance for the WI community and sets the stage for a discussion of innovative research questions as well as problem-solving approaches.
Technological progress, an increasingly globalized environment for economic competition, a growing intertwinement and interdependence of actors in the economic arena as well as social changes are only a few of many changes, which create Grand Challenges and thereby give rise to novel research questions or challenge established perspectives in WI. We therefore encourage panels, which address these challenges, discuss novel approaches, illustrate exciting new perspectives or forge links to other disciplines. We welcome panel proposals with innovative design elements, which are deliberately tailored to spark interactions or to enhance the exchange of ideas as well as knowledge. Planned panels shall not exceed the timeframe of 90 minutes.
Please submit proposals for panels until 1st September 2021, via the email The Chair of Panels will decide about the acceptance of proposals in coordination with the Conference Chairs.
Deadline for the submission of panel proposals: 1st September 2021 Notification of acceptance: 31st October 2021
Formal Guidelines for Panel Proposals
The description of panel proposals shall encompass max. four pages and follow this structure:
- Members of organizational team (Title, name, institution, function within the organizational team)
- We kindly ask to indicate a main contact person
Context and Content
- Motivation und aim of the organization of the proposed panel
- Underlying challenge(s) and their relevance for the WI and business community
- Outline of target groups and added value for these target groups as well as the WI community
- Overview of confirmed panelists
- Short biographies
- Concise summary of standpoints of panelists with regards to the panel topic
- Declaration of participation by the panelists
- Setting and timeline of the panel
- Description of design elements to spark interactions or to enhance the exchange of ideas and knowledge
- Optional: Please embed pictures or videos for an illustration of the format or setting via an internet link
The declaration of participation by the panelists may be added as an appendix, which will not count into the maximum number of pages.

Prof. Dr. Angela Roth
FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Prof. Dr. Angela Roth is a professor at the Institute of Information Systems at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg with a focus on innovation and value creation. She is leading the Open Service Lab (OSL) and is researching, consulting and teaching in the fields of service innovation, service systems in digital contexts and organizational competencies for service innovation. She is also doing research on interactive service innovation in living labs (e.g. JOSEPHS®), future work systems and service systems engineering. Prof. Roth is closely working with non-university research institutes and industry partners. She is leading several research projects on service systems engineering, service innovation and future of work.