Track 23
Wirtschaftsinformatik as an interdisciplinary science
Information Systems (IS) research deals with unique questions and problems. Particularly in this discipline, scientists are invited to critically reflect on the prerequisites and consequences of research paradigms. Due to constant social and technological change, IS research needs to discuss ethical issues of research objective and methodology constantly. This increasingly involves overcoming monodisciplinary perspectives and biases in order to achieve comprehensive and viable research results in an interdisciplinary discourse. Consequently, researchers are confronted with a continuous adaptation of tools, techniques, approaches, ways of thinking and theories. With this in mind, it is necessary for IS research as an academic discipline to undertake a periodic review of all topics within its professional spectrum. This track invites the discussion of fundamental issues of theory and theory design, research methodology, philosophy of science, ethics, and foundations of IS research. Ethical considerations include also aspects of scientific practice, such as, for example, procedures for evaluating scientific performance or the business models of scientific publishers. We are particularly interested in contributions that push the boundaries of what is considered known and acceptable in research. The target audience of the track includes – regardless of their own professional training – researchers and practitioners of IS as well as related disciplines.
Prof. Dr. Dr. Björn Niehaves
University of Siegen
Bjoern Niehaves is Full Professor at the University of Siegen, Germany, and holds the Chair of Information Systems. His research is dedicated to the numerous facets of digitalization and its impact on work, health care and society. In addition to his research activities, Professor Niehaves is a sought-after speaker and consultant for companies, public administrations and international organizations. Many of his more than 300 publications have been awarded research and innovation prizes.
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Frank
University of Duisburg-Essen
Ulrich Frank holds the chair of Information Systems and Enterprise Modelling at the Institute of Computer Science and Business Information Systems at the University of Duisburg-Essen. His main research topic is enterprise modelling, i.e. the development and evaluation of modelling languages, methods and corresponding tools. In recent years, he focused especially on multi-level domain-specific modelling languages and corresponding tools. Further areas of research include method construction, (meta) programming languages, and advanced architectures of application systems. He is also interested in the philosophy of science and fundamental questions related to the subject of research in business information systems.