Track 5
Sustainable Information Systems, Energy Informatics, and Climate Protection
Today, sustainable information systems (IS) enable companies, organizations, societies, and economies to be transformed towards more economic, ecological and social sustainability. Decision Support Systems (DSS), often also based on Operations Research models and their optimization or simulation, are of great importance. Many AIS conferences have been addressing the goals as well as chances and challenges for over 10 years, e.g., in tracks Green IS, Green by IS, Sustainable IS, Efficient, Explainable and Accepted AI, but those topics are still clearly underrepresented in the annual D-A-CH-L IS conference. Sustainable IS/DSS can be interpreted widely, e.g., also with regard to sustainable or green investments, sustainable waste and recycling management, sustainable tourism or sustainable therapies for mentally ill or addicts.
On the one hand, design science oriented submissions (IS/DSS engineering) are possible, on the other hand also explanation oriented, data-based submissions (behavior of people and machines). Scientifically and methodically sound submissions with convincing findings, recommendations, and strategies are expected, whereby submissions from practice are also expressly welcomed. Furthermore, Energy Informatics and climate protection submissions with socio-technical and techno-economic topics and research approaches addressing diverse digital transformation approaches of centralized and decentralized energy systems are appreciated. Cooperations and interactions between humans and machines and human-computer interfaces (HCI) are of great importance. Examples are IS/DSS for energy management, energy consumption or electricity generation forecasts, load management, charging infrastructures for e-vehicles or efficient energy use in buildings, vehicles or companies. This also addresses the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG), in particular with regard to global climate protection through the reduction of greenhouse gases or climate engineering. Energy Informatics submissions typically are dedicated to, e.g., architectures, data models, and algorithms for the organization, coordination and interaction of various players in the range of minutes to seconds, often combined with Artificial Intelligence, (multi-)agent approaches and optimization of existing or new energy systems. Submissions on business models for IT services, technology acceptance of IS/DSS, success and critical success factors of IS/DSS or behavioral aspects of users or market players are also very welcomed.

Prof. Dr. Michael H. Breitner
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Michael H. Breitner studied Mathematics with Management at the TU München (diploma 1990), earned his Ph.D. in Mathematics at the TU Clausthal (1995) and completed his venia legendi for Mathematics at the TU Clausthal (2001), too. Since 2002 he is C4-professor and head of the Information Systems and Management Institute at Leibniz Universität Hannover and conducts research in the fields of energy management, Energy Informatics, energy systems, electro-mobility, climate protection and also mobile systems, Artificial Intelligence, health and care IT/IS, IT/IS in higher education institutions, and urban logistics IT/IS, see Michael H. Breitner works in the AIS, the VHB, the GI, the Energy Research Center Lower Saxony (EFZN), the Center for Digital Innovations Lower Saxony (ZDIN), and the Wind Energy Research Alliance (ForWind).

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Lehnhoff
University of Oldenburg
Sebastian Lehnhoff is a full Professor for Energy Informatics at the University of Oldenburg. He received his doctorate at the TU Dortmund University in 2009. Prof. Lehnhoff is chairman of the board of the OFFIS Institute for Information Technology and speaker of its Energy R&D division. He is board member of the section Energy Informatics in the German Informatics Society (GI) and CTO of openKONSEQUENZ e.G. for the development of modular open source SCADA/EMS. He serves as an executive committee member of the ACM Special Interest Group on Energy Systems and Informatics (SIG-ENERGY) and steering committee chair of its flagship conference e-Energy. Prof. Lehnhoff is member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech) and of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW).

Prof. Dr. Christof Weinhardt
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Christof Weinhardt holds a chair for Information Systems at the IISM at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and also is a director at the Research Center Informatics (FZI). Since 2006 he is member of the Energy Interest Group of the Federation of German Industries (BDI). 2008-2016 he was elected member of the Review Board at DFG, 2010-2013 he was expert advisor of the committee of enquiry Internet and Digital Society of the German Bundestag. Since 2019 he is editor in chief of the Springer journal Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE). After his studies of Industrial Engineering (1986) he received his Ph.D. in 1989 (Economics) and his venia legendi in 1994 (Business Administration). With his scientific background his research is mainly on Platform Economics & Market Engineering, especially Sharing Economies, new energy markets, and finance and retail markets.