Track 9
ICT and Responsible Consumption as well as Production
As key change agent of the digital age, information systems (IS) provide ample opportunities to address the major challenges of our century, including issues of sustainability as well as preserving our environment on a local, regional and global scale. In particular, IS can help individuals and organizations to better understand the environmental impact of their activities, thus, preparing a ground for reducing the use of resources and energy as well as for avoiding waste and emissions. Moreover, IS can empower individuals and organizations to implement more environmentally sustainable business models and processes such as circular and sharing economy regimes. By connecting physical and digital components, IS can also provide the foundation to create environmentally smart systems, for instance for smart cities, smart mobility, or smart grids.
This year’s conference tracks are aligned with UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In this regard, the aim of this track is to advance the discourse on the role of IS to achieve a more sustainable consumption and production (SDG 12). We invite relevant studies that can employ a variety of methods to examine the role of IS for responsible consumption and sustainable production. We seek empirical (qualitative and quantitative) studies as well as the results of interventionist research aiming at developing and evaluating prescriptions for sustainable IS solutions.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Ecological, societal and economic impacts of IT
- Sustainable digital business models and solutions
- Organizational and societal sustainability transformations
- IS solutions for sustainability
- IS for smart infrastructures
- IS for circular economies and waste management
- Sustainable IS design
- Green data science and sustainability analytics
- Artificial intelligence for sustainable consumption and production
- Crowdsourcing and environmental collaboration
- IS-enabled sustainability education and training

Prof. Dr. Sven Overhage
University of Bamberg
Sven Overhage is Full Professor and Chair of Industrial Information Systems at the University of Bamberg, Germany. His current research interests include service-oriented architectures, agile development processes, advanced analytics methods, business process modelling approaches, and approaches for the management of the digital transformation. His work has been published in well-reputed international journals (e.g., DSS, IEEE TEM, BISE, ISF) and conference proceedings (e.g., ICIS, ECIS, HICSS).

Prof. Dr. Stefan Smolnik
University of Hagen
Stefan Smolnik is Professor and Chair of Business Information Systems at University of Hagen. Before joining University of Hagen, he was an assistant professor at EBS Business School. He has done research on the success and performance measurement of information and knowledge management systems. In addition, he is interested in the successful organizational implementation of social software. Stefan Smolnik’s work has been published in well-reputed international journals and conference proceedings such as the Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Business & Information Systems Engineering, International Journal of Knowledge Management, Business Process Management Journal, and the proceedings of ICIS, ECIS, and HICSS.

Prof. Dr. Timm Teubner
Technische Universität Berlin
Timm Teubner is an Assistant Professor at the Einstein Center Digital Future at TU Berlin, heading the chair for Trust in Digital Services. His research interests include online platforms and multi-sided markets, auctions, Internet user behavior and psychology, as well as crowd sourcing. Timm finds inspiration for his research when on his piano and during (ultra) marathon running. His research has been published in numerous journals such as the Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Information & Management, Business & Information Systems Engineering, Journal of Cleaner Production, Economics Letters, and the proceedings of ICIS, ECIS, and HICSS.
Associate Editors
- Marc Adam (University of Newcastle)
- Ulrike Baumöl (Universität Liechtenstein)
- Katharina Ebner (FernUniversität in Hagen)
- Christian Haas (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien)
- Magie Hall (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien)
- Philipp Staudt (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)
- Florian Hawlitschek (FES, Frankfurt)
- Christian Peukert (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)
- Sebastian Schlauderer (Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg)
- Rita Streblow (Technische Universität Berlin)
- Frank Teuteberg (Universität Osnabrück)
- Till Winkler (FernUniversität Hagen)